The Eminem of Essaouira: Soufiane

The Eminem of Essaouira: Soufiane

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Soufiane, better known as the Eminem of Essaouira, became one of our closest friends early on in this Morocco adventure. It doesn’t take long to notice the impact that this man has made in this small medina by the sea. You can’t walk more than 10 feet without someone recognizing him or exchanging a friendly hello.

Generosity, curiosity and love reside in a heart like his and as a foreigner taking on a new city, he is the perfect guide.

Souifiane serves as the liaison of communications and the bridge between cultural differences. His experience running his own shop in Essaouira has given him an insight into the business world while sparking a deeper desire to expand his knowledge abroad. Soufiane is greatly appreciated for his hard work and dedication to this brand for without his friendship and commitment Mad’ouk wouldn’t exist.



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